Balto is a 1995 American live-action/animated epic drama adventure film directed by Simon Wells, produced by Amblin Entertainment and distributed by Universal Pictures. It is loosely based on the true story of the 1925 serum run to Nome, Alaska led by the dog of the same name. It was released on December 22, 1995. This was the third and final film from Steven Spielberg's Amblimation before the studio was shut down.
Why It's Great[]
- The animation is great.
- Though loosely based on a true event, it teaches really well to many children about real history.
- Despite having a predictable plot, the movie makes it fun to watch as Balto comes across multiple obstacles to reach his goal.
- Likable characters including Balto, Jenna, Boris and Star.
- Steele is an incredibly nasty villain who you will love to hate.
- Excellent emotional scenes, an example being Balto realizing that the children are going to die when he sees a row of small coffins.
- Beautiful music from the late James Horner who also composed for James Cameron's Titanic and Avatar.
- The romance between Balto and Jenna was handled well.
- Great voice acting.
Bad Qualites[]
- It can get dark with how Steele tries to sabotage Balto for delivering the medicine into letting the sick children die
External Links[]
Balto on IMDb
Balto on Rotten Tomatoes
Balto on