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SCOOB è un film d'azione commedia animato al computer americano del 2020 diretto da Tony Cervone e basato sul franchise di Scooby Doo. È il primo film dell'Universo Cinematografico di Hannah Barbera.

Why it's great[]

  • The animation is really good and the characters designs are too.
  • The cast did a pretty good job.
  • The characters still are like they were in the original series
  • Dick Dastardly is perfectly rappresented and is a great villain.
  • The soundtrack is great
  • The humor is very clever and funny
  • The climax is outstanding

Bad Qualities[]

  • Muttley appears only towards the end of the movie.


Alvin and the Chipmunks

  • Muttley don't appear until the end of the movie